"Germans captured at Krake [Kraak? - about20
kilometers away from Wöbbelin] Germany"
"Half Dead from torture in Wobblon camp"
[KZ-Wöbbelin - about 3,500 remaing prisoners were liberated May 2, 1945
by the 82nd US Airborne Division, Genral James M Gavin commanding. They were left
behind by the retreating Nazis and were in such bad shape that well over 200 died
after being liberated, in spite of the best efforts of the Americans to help
them. The terrible smell of death is something everyone who was there remembered
for the rest of their lives.]
"P.W.s rescued from prison camp"
[KZ-Wöbbelin was subcamp of the larger Neuengamme camp. It was never
completed, and lasted only 10 weeks - from 12 February to 2 May 1945. Even in
its unfinished state, it housed thousands of prisoners marched in from Neunengamme,
Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Buchenwald and the Gestapo prison in Fuhlsbüttel in
Hamburg. There were no beds, no food, no clean water and more than 1,000
prisoners died there. General Gavin ordered the nearby townspeople to view the
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"Mac & Chuck the radio men"
[Mac & Chuck again - over the jeep's wheel well is painted